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One of our clients, AVG Technologies, has partnered with Zynga to offer FarmVille players an exclusive AVG Biplane with purchase of AVG PC TuneUp for 66% off. So far, AVG is one of very few companies to offer these sponsored in-game purchases.

The campaign works by prompting FarmVille users when they load the game to purchase AVG PC TuneUp in return for the AVG Biplane, which offers 3 Instant Grow applications. Once the purchase is complete, a message will appear in FarmVille congratulating the user on the new AVG Biplane and lets them place it on their farm. Farmers can then click on the AVG Biplane and choose Apply Instant Grow to have it fly over their farm like a cropduster and enable all crops to be harvested.

To promote this offer on the AVG Facebook Page, we are doing the following:

  1. Adding a section on the Community tab, which is set as the default landing tab for non-Fans. This means that all first time visitors to the page will learn about the offer. Existing Fans always go to the Wall.
  2. Updating the Profile picture with a call to action. This is very important, because this picture is visible on all tabs, including the Wall. Notice also that the offer is place in the middle of the picture so that it is above the fold.
  3. Creating a series of Status Updates that help teach users about the benefits of AVG PC TuneUp. As a newly launched product, many of the millions of AVG customers and Fans may not know about its features, and it is a great chance to answer questions.
  4. Encouraging users to post pictures of their farms. Some people do some amazing decorating and go way beyond harvesting! AVG Fans are generally pretty active on the Page, so we expect to get many very interesting farms.
  5. Running a set of Facebook Ads targeting users who value PC Performance and FarmVille players. Using some narrow demographic targets, we can get pretty good results and quickly validate messaging.

The Facebook campaign is also supplemented by AVG's other social media efforts such as blogs, YouTube videos and Twitter outreach.

This is a very interesting campaign to be part of from end to end, and AVG is already seeing the results. You can find out more about the offer in this blog post.

Update: Inside Facebook is featuring the deal on their website today as a Featured Facebook Campaign.

Post by Thought Labs
Feb 27, 2011