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Thought Labs's Cappy Popp will be speaking on a panel titled, "Linked in - How to Increase Sales" on Thursday, June 18, 2009 from 11:45A - 1:30P at the Clark University Graduate Management Center in Framingham, MA. This should be an interesting event; it will undoubtedly be covering a much broader range of topics related to developing a brand and increasing your presence using all forms of social media. Please attend and bring some of your most pressing questions.

The following industry experts will be joining him:

The panel is sponsored by the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce. Many thanks to Ed Nunes, Business Banker with TD Banknorth for organizing it.

Click here to register for the event.

Click here for directions.

A power networking group, the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce, located in Framingham, Massachusetts offers different business networking events, including a Networking Breakfast, a Business After-Hours Networking Meeting, The Nearly Noon Networking Luncheon and a Women’s Leadership Series. All of the meetings, most held monthly, provide small business owners and other executives of local companies a chance to network, communicate and forge valuable business relationships.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Update: video for the event has been posted here. Enjoy!

Post by Thought Labs
Jun 16, 2009