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Cappy Popp will be presenting "Implementing and Managing your Facebook Strategy" at Online Marketing Summit 2011 on February 7, 2011 as part of the Social Media Planning & Integration Workshop. Join Cappy to learn about how to create a successful Facebook strategy for your business, including creating effective Facebook Pages driven by real metrics.

Hear is more about the workshop:

Social Media is becoming a critical component of an organizations marketing strategy. Enterprises are no longer asking the question "Should we be involved in social media?" Instead they are asking, "How can we generate greater impact and success using social media as part of the marketing mix?" That said, the social media landscape has evolved rapidly in the last 18 months leaving organizations struggling to understand how to catch-up. Having a complete understanding of the social media landscape, tools and best practices is critical to your marketing success.
Success in social marketing is within reach. The challenge lies in the understanding that there are fundamental differences in the approach marketers take to industrial marketing (TV, Print, Radio, Direct Mail, etc) and social media marketing. It is the change from a monologue to a dialogue, and the most successful social media marketers have recognized this shift in thinking and have achieved repeatable and predictable success in social media.

What you will learn:
This one-day workshop will teach you how to drive your marketing objectives through social media by developing an all encompassing strategy that outlines listening, content planning, engagement, management and measurement of your social media activities.

We'll start by understanding the basics and quickly outlining advanced strategies and tactics employed by some of the most respected brands in some of the most successful social media programs. We will also discuss the tools you need to be effective, the policies to employ and the how to develop a comprehensive plan.

We will also provide a benchmark of where your company currently stands and steps you need to take to help get your brand to the next level.

See more details here - Workshop 2: Social Media Planning & Integration

Post by Thought Labs
Feb 5, 2011