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Inner Circle is a new Facebook application that lets you cut through the Facebook noise and get real information about your friends.

The Problems:

Too many friends - You have lots of friends and all their information is jammed together. The more friends you have, the harder it is to find out what you want.

Too much noise - In real life, you interact with groups of your friends in different ways - some you talk to all the time, and some you talk to once in a while. In Facebook, everyone is talking to you all the time and some friends generate so much activity that it drowns out everyone else.

Not enough real information – There is more to your friends than just their status messages. Your friends have lives outside of Facebook – their blogs, Flickr feeds, etc – and there isn’t an easy way to get this information all in one spot.

Our Solution:

The Inner Circle Friend Manager lets you privately group your friends into Circles that represent your relationships. You can have a Work Circle, a Family Circle, an Inner Circle - as many Circles as you want. Only you know who is in each Circle.

The Inner Circle My Info page lets you enter additional information to share with other Inner Circle users. You can put in your blog, your Flickr feeds, and other things that let people really know what is happening with you.

The Inner Circle What's Happening page brings all the information together for the friends in each Circle. Now you can see at a glance what everyone is doing, or focus on just one Circle at a time.

Inner Circle lets you know what is really happening with the friends you care about. Give it a try.

Post by Thought Labs
Aug 15, 2007