"What the Heck is...?" is our series about the most important updates and changes in social media and how it will affect YOUR goals, presence and ranking.
Facebook just announced their latest change to the News Feed, and this time it is a return to its roots as a social network for friends and family to communicate with each other.
When it first appeared, the Facebook News Feed was filled with status updates from people you knew. This generated conversations that brought people closer together, and based on recent social research, made people more content in their lives.
Eventually Facebook allowed Facebook Pages to publish their own updates to the News Feed, and has released countless News Feed changes (focus on photos, slow loading pages, content filters, high quality content) that have tweaked the ratio of Page content to user content and the signals that help prioritize it.
Unfortunately, News Feed allowed any popular content to bubble to the top regardless of its veracity, pushing down posts from friends and generally making users feel less connected.
This change reverses that allocating the highest priority spots to friends' content and reducing the number of page posts that will appear. The more conversation - comments - a post gets, the higher it will rank. Facebook will still favor video and Live Video over other types of content, as they get the best engagement.
This has BIG implications for all brands using Facebook as a communication platform for their users and will definitely reduce organic views for the majority of Pages.
Here are some steps you can do right now to make the best of this change:
Expect to see this decline in organic reach as Facebook rolls this out over the next few months. Be sure you are ready to combat this with new tactics and audience understanding.
Have you already started to see the organic decline for your Facebook Page or the re-prioritization in your personal News Feed? Have you seen which Page posts are still making it through the new filters? Share your experiences with us.