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Everyone, including Facebook, hates fake likes. While a higher Total Fans vanity metric may seem nice, each fake Fan actually can decrease your organic and paid reach. Thankfully, Facebook has been cracking down harder over the past several months and the results are starting to show.

We've covered the effects of fake likes on Facebook Page in the past in our Virtual Bagel and Veritasium analysis - they can really do some harm. However, In a recent blog post, Facebook says they have tripled the number of fake likes detected before they even reach a Facebook Page. And, Facebook has notified over 200,000 Facebook Pages after removing or blocking fake likes from their existing Fan counts.

A side benefit is that many vendors that sell fake likes have gone out of business. One fake like seller said that there used to be over 40 groups selling fake likes, but now there are less than a dozen. Great news for all of us trying to connect with our customers effectively on Facebook!


Did Facebook remove many likes from your Facebook Page as part of this cleanup?

Post by John Maver
Apr 21, 2015