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Today we're bringing you a continuation of our two-part series of excellent uses of Facebook Timeline for Brands! As promised, here's 10 more brands that are not only early adopters of Facebook's Timeline for Brands, but also making excellent use of the new changes to the Facebook page platform! If you missed the first part of this series, be sure to check it out! 10 Ways to Triumph with Facebook Timeline for Brands! (A Quick Visual Guide)




Coca-Cola has compiled a long and detailed history of their brand, which stretches back into the 1880's, along with anecdotal stories from customers which tell the personal stories of the Coca-Cola brand. These stories above are from people reminiscing about memories of their grandparents, which are centered around the Coca-Cola brand, and do a great job of humanizing the brand!


Barack Obama


The Facebook page run by Barack Obama's campaign staff gets points for humor by including a photo of a mug which pokes fun at the conspiracy surrounding Barack Obama's birth certificate, as the image associated with his birth on their Timeline. The other side of the mug features a picture of our 44th President with the caption "Made in the USA."




Tide has really hit the mark with the branding on their Timeline cover photo! Facebook specifies that, among other things, you can't use your cover photo for a call to action, so featuring beautiful photos of your products and branded icons for your pages is definitely the way to go.




Threadless has an amazing cover photo which does a great job of capturing their entire team and the easy going, zany culture of their company! They also carry this consistent style over to their page icons, while also including a distinct call to action into each icon.


Verizon Wireless


Verizon Wireless is using their Facebook Timeline cover photo in a very unique way. Rather than focusing on their brand, they instead feature cover photos taken by fans of their Facebook page! A small inset photo of the fan is included, along with a caption containing their name, and the Verizon Wireless phone used to take the featured photo.


Manchester United


Manchester United has a rich history that stretched back to their founding in 1908, and their Facebook Timeline page has done an excellent job of capturing that history in a very visual way! Few brands have roots than run so deep, and even fewer have conveyed their history so well through Facebook Timeline for Brands!




Burberry is another brand which does a great job of showcasing their history through their Timeline page! In the photos above, we learn that the first men to make a non-stop transatlantic flight in 72 hours did so wearing Burberry aviator suits! Many brands capture the obvious milestones for their companies, but fail to include unique events and interesting facts surrounding their brands.




Pringles took a unique avenue by asking their fans what they would like included in their Timeline! While the requests for free chips, coupons, and "landsharks" seem to have fallen on deaf ears, there were some creative and interesting ideas from the fans! My favorites were "a baby picture of Mr. P" (the Pringles mascot) for the "birth" photo, and "A detailed account of Mr. Pringles' rough upbringing in the streets of new York city!"




XBOX employs the power of video and humor in their Timeline, sharing amusing videos which promote their upcoming release, Kinect Star Wars. By featuring these videos (the method for making an event appear as a full page, rather than half-page on the Timeline) they are made easily accessible to XBOX's fans! The videos do a great job of creating buzz surrounding the upcoming title, and featuring them on their Timeline was a great move for XBOX!


O-CHA Tea Bar


While many of the brands included on this list are well known national brands, I would also like to include a personal favorite of mine, a local tea room that I frequent, O-CHA Tea Bar. I recently noticed that they've made the switch to the new Timeline for Brands, and I was truly impressed! O-CHA has done a great job of utilizing their cover photo to show off their delicious bubble teas, their profile photo for pointing out their location (they're in a bit of a difficult to find spot in Downtown Greenville), their page icons for showcasing their weekly events with local musicians and their menu, and prominently displaying the address, phone number, price range, and opening time at the top of their Timeline page!


Are any of your favorite brands (local or national) making great use of Facebook Timeline for Brands in unique and interesting ways? While I would have loved to have heard about it while I was researching this blog post, now would also be a great time to let us know, in the comments below!

Post by Zachary Chastain
Mar 21, 2012