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Inside Facebook has the details about an upcoming update to Facebook's Pages feature. This is great news for businesses, as the changes will put Pages on par with the recent user Profile changes. Most notably:

  • Pages will now have the familiar Wall, Info, and Boxes tabs. This will help visitors quickly find the information they need.
  • Applications can still display their Profile Boxes on the Wall tab. These will be smaller sized boxes than if they appear on the Boxes tab, but will be seen more often than if they were on the Boxes tab.
  • Applications can now create full Application Tabs. Because these tabs have so much viewable area, this offers businesses great opportunities to provide more engaging and useful applications. These tabs also have their own URLs, which mean that business can use different tabs as landing pages for ad campaigns, external websites, and applications.
  • More viral features - Pages can have status updates and as they publish content to their page, it will being to show up in Fans' news feeds automatically.

While no date has been announced for the update, all existing Pages will be affected. Businesses will need to evaluate and possibly redesign their pages to take advantage of the new layout and features. Thought Labs has extensive experience in building engaging and attractive branded Pages and can help your company create a presence on Facebook and build your business. Contact us at for more information.

Post by John Maver
Feb 18, 2009